Patient Home Visits

Palliative, Rehabilitation & Integrative Medicine
Eduardo Bruera, M.D.
Professor and Chair
- Departments, Labs and Institutes
- Departments and Divisions
- Palliative, Rehabilitation & Integrative Medicine
Grappling with a diagnosis of cancer is challenging enough. Add to this the often debilitating symptoms of disease and treatment side effects, and the challenge becomes overwhelming.
Grappling with a diagnosis of cancer is challenging enough. Add to this the often debilitating symptoms of disease and treatment side effects, and the challenge becomes overwhelming.
MD Anderson's Palliative Care, Rehabilitation and Integrative Medicine specialists understand this struggle and are dedicated to relieving the cancer burden for patients and families.
MD Anderson's inter-disciplinary team includes physicians specializing in supportive care and rehabilitation medicine, nurses, psychiatrists, social workers, dieticians, therapists, pharmacists and administrative support staff focused solely on strengthening, relieving and comforting our patients and their families.
Following a cancer diagnosis and treatment, it is normal for patients to experience burdensome physical symptoms and/or psychological distress from their disease and/or the cancer treatment itself. Sometimes these physical and psychological symptoms require specialized care in conjunction to your primary oncology treatment for disease. The specialized multidisciplinary team may benefit you and your family throughout your fight against cancer.

Patient Home Visits
About the Program